Page DC Expansion

A transformed space that fosters fluid connectivity and a captivating environment.

Page DC Expansion


The multi-floor renovation project involved the installation of a striking staircase that seamlessly connects the various levels, enhancing both accessibility and aesthetic appeal. An intricate lighting package featuring nearly 30 different light fixtures was carefully curated to illuminate the space with sophistication and functionality. Additionally, the renovation included the installation of various ceiling details, such as baffles and sound paneling, addressing both acoustic considerations and architectural intricacies. The combined efforts resulted in a transformed space that not only fosters fluid connectivity but also boasts a visually captivating and acoustically optimized environment. The project was awarded the DC Design Excellence – ASID Washington Metro Chapter Environments for Work and Best in Show.

📸 Clarence Butts

Corporate Offices

Location / Washington, DC

Sq. Ft. / 15,034

Contract Value / $1,449,491

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