Capital Aesthetic + Laser Center | Comprehensive Woundcare Services

A modern and welcoming environment, aligning with the cutting-edge nature of the dual clinic.

Capital Aesthetic + Laser Center | Comprehensive Woundcare Services


Dr. Johnathan Johnson’s state-of-the-art dual clinic boasts innovative design elements that set it apart. Glass walls adorned with custom film and back-painted glass serve as distinctive focal points, seamlessly differentiating the two clinics within the space. The reception area further enhances the aesthetic with a touch of sophistication, featuring a custom Krion desk positioned in front of a curved feature wall, illuminated by backlit colored glass. These design choices contribute to a modern and welcoming environment, aligning with the cutting-edge nature of the dual clinic.

📸 Clarence Butts


Location / Washington, DC

Sq. Ft. / 1,854

Contract Value / $646,000

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